

United States
41° 22' 5.3652" N, 81° 51' 38.4552" W

Pink Floyd speaks of two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, and I’d say that we’re exactly that but nothing that could ever be justified by such a metaphor because you’re so much more than a fishbowl could contain and the last thing your soul is would be lost because it’s dark and ringing of a strangled joy that may brighten and dishearten you to shreds only to put you back together like two elderly women sitting across from each other in a well to do nursing home, speaking about the weather and sipping lukewarm, weak tea that has far too much milk and not enough sugar as they place the final parts in a ten thousand piece jigsaw puzzle.

I’d say we’re lost souls but we’re not because we found each other and if I didn’t believe in fate then I am forced to now because it wasn’t some evolutionary joke of a theorem that compares monkeys to men or particles to planets that could have ever brought two such different but completely akin animas together as that night did even if it was brief and I fell into your pocket like a leftover piece of lint from the laundry that may have had one too many pairs of boxer briefs that had one too many semen stains from lonely nights but that almost seemingly farcical and laughable piece of lint was keeping you grounded and you were giving that small, albeit troublesome blue fuzzy warmth and a home that it had never known before as your fingers trace over it’s scratchy, soft surface and rolling between the pads of skin in a pocket of denim just because you can.

I’d say we’re two souls two simply descried each other and didn’t describe each other because that’s exactly what we did. We fell into step like a professional drum corps that has far too many cadences that thrum and thud and reverberate against your bones and make you feel more alive than you have in ages because it feels amazing to be a part of something exquisite and a part of something bigger than yourself but most importantly a part of something where you’re in time with everyone else and you all have the same main goal and we fell in time to the bass drum and called our counts loud and shared knowing grins as we were able to make it through the arduous torture of the auditions and dealing with people who didn’t think we were good enough for this and revitalizing the slumbering animals that quaked inside of us when we met because stars aligned and planets sang a heavenly chorus because it was understood that two entities could never be in time more. Not even two snare drums.

We might have our moments when we aren’t the most analogous entities but you can’t be all the time because even you yourself aren’t fully kindred with your own essence all of the time and if you are, you’re a deity. That wouldn’t surprise me much. With all of your blessed grace and your fluent speech and the ability to make me sing when I want to break and even put duct tape over the faults that threaten to rupture out of the stone fortress that I have that’s four miles high and 12 miles below and you broke through them and mended them the same with a simper and a sarcastic comment that thrummed all of the right heart strings like a well tuned piano that even Bach or Mozart couldn’t play more beautifully than you could and we created symphonies with our woes and melodies with our bliss and together we created an orchestra that could fill the universe with a sound that even God would put on one repeat.

So I thank you for that. I thank you for being the other lost boy even when I was expecting you to be the Tinkerbell to my Peter Pan but then we simply have to realize that protagonists are for losers and the dynamic characters who float in and out of the background are the ones who will always mean the most and created the most lurid stories because they can and they will and the shall for years to come. I thank you for being open but callous and being my favourite oxymoron that one could ever have the hopes for because we both know that you and I both needed to be misanthropes together and take on the pathetic excuse for a world that we live in today to maintain our special breed of insanity.


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