you are near a cliff
your eyes are reaching out towards the horizons
gazing at the heart of your dreams
the planets align
the stars shine
the sound decides to eradicate itself from the world
leaving just the sound of your breath
and the whispers of your beating chest
and your dreams stare back at you
with those eyes that you love
it radiates and warms the ice that once stabbed at your lungs
it makes you breathe
it feels amazing to breathe
yet what is separating you are the miles
the tens of thousands of miles
just miles upon miles upon miles upon MILES
of pain
of sorrow
of longing
you reach out your hand as they reach out theirs
those eyes are bright
but they long
they long for you
and you long for them
...and you wait
you continue to hold out
because within that sparkle is the dreams you are dying for
because within that glitter is the sun that melted away your sorrows
because within that light is the thanksgiving they are handing to you
...and so i continue to hold on
because my dreams
the love of my life
continue to hold on