
Let them be as Planets in orbit, along a fixed path, under control of the sun, with moons as its accessories.
I'd rather be a meteorite, speeding through space at about 40 light years per second, crash landing on planets, and destroying their composition.
to speed past all other asteroids who serve no purpose, and stars who shine their brightest in attempt to beat out their most intense competition, the Sun.
to glance egotistically at the manifold of moons, belted around each Planet, forced to domineer the tides and guide the night.
I'd rather be a 10-second splice of excitement to the "sweaty meat puppets" of earth, waving my tail at them in a manner that is almost gloating, then to have my fate decided by those inhabiting me.
I'd rather be a Meteorite.



You are a great poet! I think that the idea of becoming a meteor is so original and helps you tell a very interesting story within your poem. If you'd like even more inspiration or ideas, check out "poetry writing tips" in the "reources" section!

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