The Memories She Left;
The memories are vivid,
illuminating the rosy flush of your cheeks;
the ebony lashes resting upon your eyes;
the little pink lips that would morph into shapes
as you spoke in your pixie-like voice
filled with colorful emotions.
I watched you as the long years flew by,
shadowing your deteriorating condition,
the paleness and fragility of your skin;
the thin strands of brown curls covering the pillows that
comforted your head.
The images of you were burned in my mind,
etched in my aching heart;
not only mine, but the mind and hearts of others as well.
I saw your pain and I wanted to feel it all for you,
to exempt you from the suffering you were forced to live with.
But somewhere along this rollar coaster of memories,
I remembered the times when we were at our highest.
Things went up, up, and up,
but those times didn't last forever.
We fell down,
and continued falling down, down, and down.
Mom and Dad tried their hardest to catch you as you fell,
but the path you fell through was far beyond their ability to keep you with us any longer.
I know in my aching heart that you fought against the sky
to keep from falling too deep.
You fought hard, and you fought well.
But at the end, you reached the bottom of the path that led to heaven's doors.
Nothing fell in place as we all hoped it would.
None of our wishes and prayers were granted,
no hope left to retain.
But you left us with timeless memories.
Ones of the illuminating rosy flush of your cheeks,
the ebony lashes that fluttered upon your eyes,
the little pink lips that would plant tiny kisses on our faces.
The memories of you are engraved in my aching heart,
ones I will never forget in this lifetime.
Now you are free from all the pain and hurt.
I know that you have become our little angel,
and that you will live in a better place without suffering.
I miss you dearly,
and your absence has taken a piece of my heart away.
But knowing you're safe now
will bring back the broken bits little by little.
I love you, and I miss you baby.
Remember that always.
You will forever be in my heart.