The Medusa We All See
Medusa is a girl just like you and me,
Maybe with just a few more abnormalities.
She was ridiculed and teased just for having hair of unique green
Not the green of grass and not the green of pumpkin seeds,
Some say more like the green of a slithery snake
Peers would laugh at her curls of green
But there was a beauty inside they couldn’t see
How did Medusa get these curls of green?
Her heart was broken by a boy
Who treated her heart like it was a toy,
despite how she might plead
Even so his attention toward her caused jealousy
Little did she know her suffering would make her enemies
How was she to know girls were so mean?
One girl in particular had only eyes for he
So naturally she practically turned green with envy
When the boy kissed Medusa for all the world to see
At, the girl herself, Athena’s party.
She schemed and plotted just for the
Most perfect plan to push Medusa into agony
They poured green dye all over her head
They taunted her “Now you’ll be green for all the world to see -
just how much of a snake you can be.”
And try as hard as she might Medusa’s hair refused to fade
It refused to fade back to its normal shade.
Medusa then began to see
The beauty in her abnormalities
She continued to wear her heart on her sleeve
And to this day she continues to believe
Heartbreak can only make a stronger person out of you and me.