I look in the mirror
And see the reflection of my papa’s heritage
My Scandinavian father’s father’s father
Towers over me smiling
His eyes, swimming in brilliant colors,
Show me his-story
Norwegian bloodlines running thick
As a blizzard
His skin
Like mine,
The color of icy plains
From his mother’s hometown
But, my mother, she
Gifted me life
Through the latte stones
Of her birthplace
Over the Pacific Ocean
My native history
Wrapped in the state-flowers of her homeland
The bougainvillea vines that
Scraped away at my ancestry
Carrying blood and sweat
Like sap
Dripping down my family tree--
One facet regarding
My sp l it identity
But what is encoded
In my DNA
Isn’t as easily displayed as the
Pigment of my skin
Of what my
Hazel eyes, melanin-kissed face and
Dark brown hair attempt to showcase:
Einzigartigkeit; Uathúlacht; Yникальность;
Unicità; Wyjątkowość; Unikhet; Singularidade;