The measure of a man
What is the measure of a man?
Never have i known til now.
Not what he does in times
Of joy.
Rather how he responds in times of pain.
With his soul laid bare for all to see.
His weakness exposed like the bark of a tree.
Humiliation of life's past failure,
From only within can spring forth his savior.
Vainglory withered from sharp duress.
Never again, pride beats his chest.
Jealousy looming, heavey and thick,
Seering pain cuts the quick.
True love pending, unrequited.
Once held so firmly in his hands.
Slowly rising from the dust,
Of crumbled years, past failures, rust!
First one knee, two, to foot!
Knuckles bent against the root,
Of a once proud oak now riven in blight.
Once again to stand and fight,
Can soon victorious hymns
Be sung?
Bring life back to his heart undone?
Will his lifting spirit surge,
to rise above the mournful dirge,
Of fitful souls who lament
The passing,
Of once true loves, dying breath.
Stalwart faith, grace surpassing,
Hurtful woe, of lost loves lashing.
Lift her up, who's love fell flat,
From lonely nights and days
To love again the foolblind man.
Who's scales fell grave from eyes rewired.
The enemy on all sides beset,
To destroy them for the devils get.
But love is stronger, if two can see,
The future bound in victory.
United, One from the two,
Endless love, forever new.