Me, Myself, and I

in the quiet hours of the early morning

my mind moonwalks back to a time where love

was omnipresent and tangible in every sense of the word.

in those quite hours, my body remembers the happiness of

being with you

she remembers all the things you remember and maybe even more...

the undeniable chemistry that was between us nearly palpable

i loved you with every fiber of my being

and my being wanted to be with you and no one else.

therein lied the problem when the solo decision was made to

venture into a different space.

when i finally thought i'd be able to find the same type of bond,

i found i was wrong

i attempted to move on and eventually i did

but it was never quite the same.

nevertheless, i eventually decided to stop trying so hard

i had to find out more about myself

i had to discover and understand the reasons for my behavior in certain situations

i had to just be with myself for a while

and so, i have not hurt myself

i have not told myself one thing and meant another

i'm still trying to figure out some things

but me and myself are learning so much about how I operate

me, myself, and I has improved overall

the newer version is more confident

more motivated

more direct

and dare i say more loveable and sexy

i'm thankful that God allowed things to happen in the manner in which they did

if they hadn't happened this way,

i may not have become




more positive

more optimistic....

i may not have become



and I.


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