Had a date

With me mate

Of 48 years.

One simple thing about marriage though;

Is to keep it simple!

And never miss a chance;

To get up close and personal being,

For you just might never know;

When the day

Will come your way,

And dates with the closest friend,

Will be

Forgotten pasts and memories.

So, when I said

‘I do’

‘from this day forward,

for better for worse,

for richer or poorer,

in sickness and in health,

to honor and to cherish,

till death we do part,’

All those years ago,

And never did I anticipate

The trials and tribulations so,

The coming of three kids

And the growing up of me,

And through these moments

Of personal mistakes,

Of dramas, toils and other things,

There were moments

Of many triumphs and victories,

And for all of that

I am a better man today,

Having been given for my age;

A touch of wisdom so,

And if you want to know my secret,

Of a successful marriage, be,

Listen to her advice,

And mate!!!!

Have a date;

At every chance,

And even when you go

To see a new Specialist so,

And guess what my friend

I did!

And me and my mate,

Had a coffee at the Coffee Club,

And she chose a melting moment,

And I chose a citrus tart,

And in all of this

We still have our differences……


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