Maybe Life Is Only (Your) Smiles and Laughter
Candid q(uiet).
The room is coated in goss(iping li)ps,
but between you an(d I is w)armth,
an (indescr)ibable thread from the
red scarf wr(apping u)s in fervor.
Nervous eyes grow c(old from (lack
of co)ntact), and hy(pothermia is
bound to set in unless th)ey meet again.
The r(isk is) worth any co(nsequence;
comf)ort is life's nourishment, and
YOu are the only comfort f(or me).
HEAT Rises as We f(all for each
O)THer; the CurVE of your LiPs invites
me to st(ay lo)NGer, and that's
ho(w I know I'll never l)eave.