Matthew Joesph


United States
40° 3' 16.2252" N, 85° 40' 27.5088" W

Sent from Heaven
3 years ago
Cute as a kitten
Pure as snow.
He brings light to the darkness
And supresses all tears
Puts love in the air
And conquers all fears.
His voice like velvet
The way he speaks is so cute
The moment he laughs
Everyone follows suit.
If you ever hear him cry
It will surely break your heart
Seeing tears fall from his eyes
Will tear you apart.
His eyes as blue as the ocean
Deep inside there's love,
They see inside your soul
He's a product from above.
No taller than three foot two
About half the size of me,
Too small to reach the freezer
He goes a little past my knee.
I love my cousin Matthew
No one's more important than he,
Id do anything for him,
Thoughs who know him would agree.


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