The sun peaks through the sky as if revealing the mantled pieces of the universe
Today I realized everything is part of me
Waking up ready for the imperfection of the world
Not shameful of saying this is where I stay
This is where I call home
Honestly if you’ve seen the way the sun kisses my skin
As my eyes light up at the scenery
A natural artist at work
The Golden hue of the blue sky
Brings the warmth and comfort that is most wanted
Green stained grass paints the hill tops
Breathing in the air of contentment
As my eyes look over the master piece
Stripped from its title
You’ve brought such life
The people you carry
Cradle them in your arms
As a women with her child
Somedays you may feel trampled on
Our people tread to find the connection to it all
To this breathe taking sensation
Knowing that this exists
When all is said and done we lay down fast to sleep
Trusting that this rotational pull will keep us centered
Night falls
Slowly but surely the moon as vibrant as the sun
Guides those that are lost
This is where I live
This is where I call home