The Mask of Me
As I walk along the shore of happiness
As I think about the people I've broken
I wear the mask on my face as a cruel person
Inside that mask is happiness and free-spirit person
The world wants to see the federal crime of a murder
But crime is not in the person who loves doing crime
Show the people who I'm really am
I sing with the praise team to relief the hard of temptations and devil's foolishness
I dance with the wing's of the swans, the wind guiding my footsteps and hands
The mask outside of me is trouble
Becoming like society is like turning into an ugly beast
The voodoo man of New Orleans cast a spell of mask in evil
My mask was not made like the others
Finding the happiness of me by running through trees
Seeking to figure out why mask is shown is not in me but society
I'm filled with joy and kindness
Crazy to love, do not hate on God's people
I'm free behind my mask; not in jailed
The face behind the mask