Martin Has a Dream: Fool for Gold
I’m not lost
I’m just in the process of finding my way
At least that’s what my mind convinces me to say
Better days around the corner
The television conveys these things
Hoping I’ll open my mind
By opening this wallet
Scrambling for this fool’s gold
While we refuse to see the gold within our own souls
The impulsive choice is always being sold
This tradition has gotten so old
“Only 19.99 and we’ll add another for FREE…
But don’t forget shipping and handling
Extra costs you don’t need to know”
Our nation is wealthier today than before
But nowhere near happy
I wonder what they had that we don’t
They probably had the same problems that we do today
Except we have handheld screens in the way
What is used for good
Is used for evil too
All these things brand new
Don’t let the devil brand you
Confused of our purposes
Because our hope lies within a “thing”
Let’s refresh our thinking
And draw closer to what really matters
Families are shattered over “things”
Rebuilding each other is the first step
To the season of Spring