Many died yesterday
Hoping to see tomorrow
Many died today
Having dreams for tomorrow
And many more will die tomorrow, pursuing to achieve to achieve their goals
Yet very few understand the concept of life as death will follow
What is death
in a mere concept, its the action or fact of dying or being killed ,the end of the life of a person.
Is death a gift or a burden dying the same as living but in a different version
How perplexing can death be that while living having to not experience dying we fear death as if it's a venomous disease or creature that causes a sudden stop of breath...
When you sleep you breath while you breath you still have your health and stealth...yet sleeping is just a taste of death..
We say life is a journey. A journey to either goodness or badness.
How we live our lives determine our final aboard..from our personalities , characters and awareness..
Is the closing door for temporary and a beginning of eternity..