The Man Who SingsI
The Man Who Sings
I have an uncle who sings
He sings the sweet notes of love and joy
The love that flows through your veins and has no choice but to escape through the eyes for everyone to see
The joy that spreads until everyone has a piece
He sings with many words, but none at all
I have an uncle who laughs
He laughs at everything and nothing at all
The sound of his laughter is enough to fill the room and touch all the those surrounding him
The kind of laughter that forms deep in your soul and starts erupting from your insides for everyone to enjoy
A laugh that is loud, but silent at once
I have an uncle who dances
He dances in the fields of green of our country
His movements so fluid, as if to be in conversation with
Nature, the trees, the sky,
I have an uncle who lives
He lives to love and loves to live
He is extraordinary
He lives in his songs of love and joy,
His laughter that fills the room
His dances in union with nature
He no longer lives on Earth, but he is closer than ever