Man vs self
The world will protray you as a monster
For the decisions you will make
Your either ruthless in your ways
Or weak cowardice and fake
One day your a God
Then your the fallen angel himself
To be constantly ridiculed
made to feel like a fool
I was raised on survival
While others were raised on love
Always questioning
The existence of something above
The war you rage on me
I've battled constantly within
Is that what makes us human?
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Thank you. Personally, poems help me cope with my own emotions when they're intense and I have no one to talk to. Reading poems allow me to understand my own feelings and relate with the author. Recently I've noticed I'm not allowed to feel or acknowledge my feelings in my household, it's based on logic. There's no doubt that it's because thats how they were raised but it's difficult to follow along at times. You yourself don't acknowledge your feelings and no one else does either. I fail and fear to acknowledge my feelings, due to what one deems reason.