Malleable Whispers
Birthed in the shackled knees of virtue lay the bleeding heart of my mother
A spirit drenched in heartache and skin carved from the hues of the Earth
She swam upon rivers of uncertainties and regrets plucked from the menu of life
Her thoughts became lingering whispers of defeat and torrential outpours of rainstorms
Yet in these rainstorms , she found a lighthouse of hope within herself
Those ringing of promises sewn from truthful lips and other bleeding hearts
In her, I found peace
A solace wrenched between broken hearts and bleary eyes
Borne of illegitimacies and insecurities
I found hope within my mother
From hands moulded from the softests clouds
To the voice laced in the sweet comforting honey suckle tones of a mother
To the palms with cracks littered in more cracks than an eroding Earth
I found a burning and churning peace
One inspired and brewed from the love of a mother