Maladjusted Society
I run from the truth
As I refuse to believe
That we as a race
Are choosingly blind
To the struggles
And desperate pleas
Of today’s teenagers.
Let me ask you,
Do you think I look fat?
Our children these days
Are striving to fit in
To a maladjusted society,
Always trying their hardest
But not quite hard enough.
Is this what we call love?
Can you really close your eyes
And walk away
From the pervasion of the human mind?
What has happened
To the concept of childhood?
I’m filled with disgust
Viewing the broken hearts
And twisted minds
Of today’s youth,
As she struggles
To lose five more pounds
And he remembers
That real men don’t cry.
Being well adjusted
To a sick world
With debilitated people
Does not deserve an award,
But rather,
A cry of disapproval.
Before anyone can begin
To really comprehend
The importance of
BC Calculus
And AP US History
They must first
Have the revelation
That value
Comes from within.
We must all individually
Get through our heads that
People do not
Come in 'one size fits all'
And human worth
Is not measured on a 4.0 scale.