Lurking in the Shadows
The late darkness consumed the bright outdoors, feeling the emptiness.
Continuing to walk the once brightly trail now covered in fear.
Over the far distance, there was a quick rustling within the leaves.
The long stare at the far distance led me to say it was a dear.
As I kept on using my ear, the first thought start to disappear.
I walked over to the green leaves to see what was behind the rear.
Discovering that there was not a single hint of a creature.
The sounds again were made, but now behind my uncertain plain back.
The rumors were true, and I knew I would become the next victim.
I took the fast, risky, routine run, and escape the unknown pack.
Still curious of the figure behind, I refused to look back.
The feeling of hopelessness start to arouse when I stepped on a tack.
As I turned back to see the shape of the figure, I stayed silent.
There was nothing in front of me, still sure that there was something here.
Puzzled, and yet frightened, I looked everywhere for the beast to glance.
Relief that it was nothing but an imagination at there.
Behind the bush in front of me, I saw eyes of a creature leer.
I got up fast, and quickly start to run from fear, run from fear.