Love....What is It
Love ....What is it? Is it a game? Is it a hobby? Or is it just a game?
Love is cold too cold to bare
ones eyes can barely see through love
being in love is an eyeful
an eyeful of hated, betrayal, and heartbroken
through everything you manage to say I love you
when there is no love in you to spare
throwed around as a toy
love to me has no joy
as she would love me no love was in me to love me
I can see that finding love is wasteful
wasteful as saying I love you with no meaning
to me its a game that has not yet been turned off
or a ticking bomb that has not been set off
she's the bomb and I want to be her explosion
but without our love there is no erosion
the game that I am playing never cease to end
so why start something that's never meant to be
or finish to the end as she would say
why love or to be in love when he does'nt love himself
as much as he loves her
heart broken to a tragedy
falling in love is that tragedies match
falling deep down into the game called love
why can't it just be real and not something to drive me so insane
as I continue to lose I find myself back at stage one asking
What Is Love??