Love, Healing, Pain (Short Story?)

Life is filled with a million what if's, but, what really matters, is what you decide to do with the time you have. You can spend days on end listening to the same old things, playing the same old game, and watching the same old movie. But, you can also do more with your life than you think you can, chase your dreams because they are possible, heal from that pain, love that person unconditionally, and keep living. You only have a certain amount of time before it's gone. It may feel like forever right now, but it'll go by in the blink of an eye. Family become memories, friend become distant, and love seems impossible. Keep fighting, keep dreaming, and keep being a hopeless romantic. Dont, give up one something as beautiful as life, you have so much to do in so little time so why wait? Why spend all this time dreading the past when you could be looking to the future and enjoying the present? Life is a rollercoaster and it doesnt always turn out the way we want it, but in the end you have to do what makes you happy, even if you lose people along the way.


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