Love of the Game
You say I was quiet, and shy way back then.
I was little and it’s hard to remember, but when
I think about it, I really did stay
To myself, hidden behind you, without much to say.
It certainly isn’t that my mind was misfiring!
No, I kept myself quite busy conspiring.
Kingdoms and subjects and horses galore,
More glitter and rainbows than imagined before.
My mind was my canvas, my blueprints, my plans,
Constantly turning out new ways to land
My flying machines and horses with wings,
Bringing to life the most spectacular beings.
Then one day my dad put a ball at my feet.
“This is soccer,” he whispered, “and it has ballet beat.”
He’d been right about fishing, I’d never once winced,
So I gave soccer a try and have loved the game since.
Before long I made friends with the girls on my team.
I scored lots of goals, but that wasn’t my dream.
I was meant to play soccer, born for the game –
In the position of Goal Keeper, alone and insane.
I had finally found it, the perfect position.
Alone in the goal, I guard against opposition.
Commanding the defense, coming out strong,
Emerged the natural born leader, who was there all along.
“It’s always the quiet ones,” the other moms chided,
And I was always on top when twelve girls collided.
Going after a hard ball and coming up muddy,
I saved the goals even when it got bloody.
Putting that ball at my feet got me out of my head.
It gave me something outside to conquer instead.
The day I felt part of something more than myself,
I was able to put all those fears on the shelf.
No more hiding or shying away from a challenge –
My newfound courage gave me poise and brought balance.
From a little girl’s life once so skittish and shy
To a bright, bold and brave girl, her limit the sky.
Thanks, Dad for teaching me how to punt, kick and throw.
And Mom, all the photos mean more than you know.
The two of you watched me and planted the seed,
Exactly what I needed today to succeed.
So thank you both, with all of my heart.
I wouldn’t be here today without that awesome start.
You taught me love, sacrifice and a hunger for winning.
But I promise you this, this is just the beginning.