Though the Air is Thick
Words twist and fumble
Through your mind
Can't find the right word
Or the right line
You sit, you stare, you breakdown in worry
As if the words have just left you in a hurry
Butterflies swarm in you
Like a mob you just can't get through
You question yourself
Your sanity
For the life you once knew has now been changed
You say, "Is it you that makes me feel this way?
Or is it just the intangible hope of me wanting to see you everyday?"
Today marks the day
That you have found your one and only soul mate
And not the weight of the world
That comes down on you
Will un-whirl that fate
Not even the steaming hate of those who surround you
Because as the saying goes,
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
Your newfound love will stand stronger,
Soaring higher than the tallest building on planet earth
Those words that you twisted and fumbled around, through the hardest of ways,
Have just been found.