Love At First Sight

My love for him is secret, it was a love hidden from the start

My love for him will never end, because he will always be in my heart.

The once fresh flowers have wilted and died,

and so has that man, who once caught my eye.

Then one with the sparkling, and cheery personality,

the one who smiled, and took off his hat as he passed next to me.

He always had a smile on his face,

While he swayed as he walked, his hair all over the place.

Even though we only met with our eyes, for we only shared a passing glance,

I knew that when our eyes met, it was true loves romance.

My heart fluttered hurriedly in my chest,

quick as a hummingbirds wings as it flies towards its nest.

The news of his death, eventually reached my ears,

I had never felt a sadness so deep, mourning mixed with all of my tears

My love for him is secret, it is a love kept buried, a love hidden from the start.

My love for him will never end, because he will always be in my heart.



This is a beautiful, romantic poem. I assumed from the title that the poem would end with the two lovers living happily ever after, but towards the end of the poem you introduce that heartbreaking line. It comes so abruptly that the reader really understands the impact the event had on the speaker. Have you ever performed this poem? I think it would sound even more powerful read in your voice- check out the Resources section to find out how to make a multimedia poem!

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