The Love Borne of the Sea

Fri, 11/14/2014 - 17:20 -- desdim

Thou once swam with me within the same sea,

Until beach did thyself forsake of love.

Though I did not, now I cannot seek thee,

Bereaved am I to lip even thy glove.

Those other swimmers are of my sameness,

They crave for thy love and thy love's riddance.

Exhausted am I as to drunkenness,

In the search of thy love's good acquaintance.

Wish I to sever thy ties to the port,

But the band is as a great iron chain.

Although I could take love by mad resort,

Thy love for me would be no more than feign.

A violent storm raged in the heart of man,

When thou stepped from the sea and unto lan'.


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