

United States

The four letter word with a simple meaning
Is a word most are foreign to
Some say they have found love
But they don’t know that it is not true
To have and to hold
Are the most deep words because they are bold
Not to have a bear and to hold it till it pops
But to have a little and hold a lot
To have a heart and hold its love
Hopefully not its blood
There is no real key like you have for a car
But it is spiritually
It takes years to earn and a second to lose it
Like love it is earned and not bought
There is no price to such great things
Love has no price, love has no shame,
Love has no fear to its name
Love is not auctioned off, but it will fight to the end
Love that is true can’t be scared
It is pure and sacred
And most importantly it’s mine
Because when you look at me love reflects from my eyes



You are a great poet! I really like this poem because you give so many descriptions of love is, and at the end you say it's something you have found. Have you ever written an ode poem? It's when you write about one thing that you really care about and name all the reasons why, similar to this poem. Check out "poetry writing tips" in the "resources" section to find tips for writing odes and all sorts of other poems!

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