Waking up
And seeing all the birds fly
Watching as the world turns white
And feeling that everything’s right
This feeling can’t be more perfect
This feeling can’t be more right
But now I know
That everything
Can be better
With love
Having him hold you in his arms
Feeling like there’s nowhere safer
Knowing that you’re ok
That’s how I feel
When you’re here
Now I know
That everything can be more right
When you’re standing there
With me
Knowing that our love
Is greater
And keeps us safe
The world is safer
And the world is better
Everything is beautiful
When you’re standing
At my side
When I look into your eyes
And I see that there’s nothing to worry
You’re there to hold me
To love me
When I’m with you
I feel like I’m flying
I’m in the clouds
Flying with the birds
Watching the world
As the snow falls
Making it beautiful
I am there
To see the love
The world has to give
To see the miracles
That is wonders
Now I know that our love
Is as beautiful
As wonderful
As powerful
And as magical
As the world