Lost Worlds
Lost WorldsI have lost worlds.Whole worldsWhole realitiesThat are no longer realities.Lovers who have stopped loving.Friends who no longer walk with me.Dreams that flourished and perished.Power that was felt and then drifted away.Youth that gave way to age.Truth that was seen to be error.Error that came to be seen as truth.Fortunes gained and lost.Joys that turned into sorrows.Sorrows that were turned to joys.Firm foundations that became sand.Out of the ashes of one world, there was another one resurrected.Memories of the old lingered in the new.The new remembered the old.A new world is born again, and again, and again.Fresh beginnings out of each tragic death.But in every world there is one that remains the one TRUTH, the One Way, and the One Life.[Heb 13:8 NASB95] 8 Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday and today and forever.