Lost Son finding his Way

Mon, 11/19/2012 - 02:38 -- Kpee18


United States
34° 58' 28.1928" N, 116° 57' 42.0984" W

Memories are blue and red, they always seem to chase me. The bad ones of course, but i never let em phase me.
My lifes crazy, troubles visit lately... Made me flashback, back when i was just uh baby.
Thoughts of my father, man i couldnt find em.
He'd dropped me off somewhere, then he'd go driving...
I dont understand how can you have pride in,
Leavin your son, Cuz your being shady, hidin...

But Thank god that uh real man stepped up. Took pride in raising his new step son. Showed me how to be fly like the jet son.... And in that same year. I wish the jets won.
Funny i remember ...the 22nd september... But yu forgot about that 30th of December...
Sad, and they wonder why im mad...thinkin bout the past... Man Its all bad...yeah! that im built with so much anger... Funny cause my father used to be uh damn stranger... Im #1 in the state, he see's my name in the paper.... Now he wants to come around... Funny how people change up... Its makin sense now..im tryna get my change up...
I need money for college, im gonna make it dad.
I told you id be better than you, that was a promise. Your son was lost but now is finding his way.


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