Lost Control
I stand on a presipice between the weight of the world
And the lightness of forgetting
My thoughts a hurricane, a symphony gone awry
Notes clashing like thunder
Rythm of chaos dancing on my spine
I crave a stillness, the sweet embrace of clarity
The fabric of my resolve unravels thread by thread
Each moment a tug of war
Each heartbeat a reminder of the fragil boundries
I once endured
I remember the days when I walked with certainty
The sun a compass, the starts my guide but now...
The night swallows me whole, the moon once a friend
Becomes a distant witness
To my untimley end
I claw at the walls of my being, but they crumble
Like sand castles washed away by waves of emotion
The tide of dispair rising, and I am just a puppet
For what is control? But an illusion adrift in the ocean
Releaed from the chains of expectation
Stripped bare and vunrable from burdend perfection
Yet oddly free but still lost at sea
I stand on the edge of this abyss ready to leap
Embrace the fall and lose control within me