Lost and Found
I have both found myself and lost myself in a year.
I found myself in performing.
In marching on a field with over a hundred other people just like me.
I discovered my passion.
I found the career I want to pursue.
The field of helping those who cannot help themselves.
I want to be a social worker.
I found the people I want to surround myself with.
The band nerds and guard girls are my true family.
From the hot summer days to the bright stadium lights.
I found my loved ones.
In my true time of need they stayed.
I am so grateful for all of them.
I also lost myself.
I became enveloped in a boy who is below me.
He ruined who I once was.
I lost the full mobility in my arm, the one thing I need for my passion.
I dislocated my shoulder doing what I love, color guard.
I lost the hope I once had in humanity.
Thank you Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
I lost my independence and strength.
I feel weak and incapable now.
I lost myself but I am slowly finding my way.
Maybe not to who I once was but I am
On my way to somewhere.