
Sometimes the world makes me feel so lost.
I do not know if it's the people, or how much things cost.
Trusting in people gave me so much pain,
I shared my deepest darkest secret and now I wish it never left my vein.
Regrets, opportunities, goals, and expectations is in the dreams of a lost soulful girl.
As a person who wants better for her self , sure do have some worries for the people who left
Was it me at fault? Did I make this happen? No, couldn't be all I wanted was peace, love, & happiness
I don't know what the deal is in this lost little world, All I know is I want best and for somebody to find this lost mature girl.



Love this. The buildup of the poem is really well done, and it's because you chose such an interesting way to format it: the gradually lengthening lines makes the poem feel like it's a story reaching its climax, which flows so well for this piece. It'd be really cool to see you continue with this style. It reminded me a little of a cinquain poem, so you might start by continuing to write in a similar pattern.


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