The Lord spoke to me
Saturday morning
The Lord spoke to me in my dream
In that dream, I was preaching the sermon
challenging the congregation
if we don’t love each other
how can we go out in the community to love others
the greatest commandment is to love our Lord
with all our hearts, mind , and soul
then love our neighbors as we love ourselves
the congregation scattered like roaches
the arena was empty
Lord’s message got across
Sunday morning
The Lord spoke to me again in my dream
I saw a glimpse of Heaven
i was one of God’s angels going to different cities, different countries
preaching the gospel until I met someone
somehow, I prejudge that looks different
The Lord scoffed at me stating very clearly
Dumb and arrogant
that moment humbled me to be obedient
The Lord forgave me of my sins
He use me to carry out His mission
thank you Lord for speaking to me
i need U
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Please read my "Snowflakes Can Be Heavy". I enjoy your writing
Annette M Velasquez
I like your positivity and enthusiasm... Also, the spoken word style! Check out some of my stuff, when you can.
Annette M Velasquez
I realize that I previously made just a very short, unhelpful comment on this... I'll now go into the poetics, and most importantly, the meaning. First of all, it is honest and clear but also speaks of the most important message of all- God's Love, an agape love... this is the one message that the world needs more than anything else... some spread it as preachers, some as activists, some as humanitarians... we, as writers- and that is a unique gift and a priveledge!