Look Around


United States
46° 32' 20.688" N, 111° 49' 1.7184" W

Look around, what do you see?
I see the world ignoring me.
Everything’s gone, I’ve got bare feet
I’m just a young woman out in the street.

Look around, what do you hear?
I hear that no one can lend an ear.
Everything buzzes by, nothing will pause
They won’t even stop to hear the cause.

Look around, what do you feel?
I feel that I must now turn on heel.
Run away fast, far away
Run away until the next day.

Look around, what do you see?
I see the men watching me.
I’ve lost it all, I just have myself
But I guess even me is something to sell.

Look around, what do you hear?
I hear him whisper in my ear.
He gives me an order, I must call him honey
I have no choice, I need the money.

Look around, what do you feel?
I feel the hard floor as I kneel.
I give him what he wants, I won’t complain
Stopping now will just increase the pain.

Look around, what do you see?
I see the glint of a knife come towards me.
I won’t move at all, it’s a gift from God
I guess thinking that way is a little bit odd.

Look around, what do you hear?
I hear myself gasp and his breath on my ear.
My limp body drops upon the floor
While he walks out through the front door.
Look around, what do you feel?
I feel my head spin, it’s starting to reel.
Soon it’s all over, the pain is all gone
This just happens when life goes wrong


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