Locked Away
There’s always a key.
A key to one’s mind
A key to one’s heart.
A key to one’s soul.
Locked away for same keepings,
But thieves still slither this earth.
Skilled thieves pick locks
My locked heart,
Broken into by heartless thieves.
My locked mind,
Invaded by manipulation.
Old locks replaced by new.
New locks become stronger,
Heavier and heavier they become to bear.
Once robust heartbeats,
Straining to beat under the weight.
Its last beat tolling near.
A black whole would take its place,
Devouring the last remanence of me.
Only one holds my keys,
And he found me.
Strong, gentle hands,
Unlocked my heart.
His lips willed my heart to beat,
Willed it so tenderly with love.
Eyes closed,
Nose to Nose,
Forehead to Forehead.
Another click.
Our minds reach for one another,
Like drips of water,
Our minds become one.
No more pain,
Nothing but love.
No more anxiety,
Nothing but happiness.
No more obeying,
Nothing but unity.
Souls made for each other,
Our beings forever tied together,
in the eyes of the universe.
This love is eternal,
Life time after lifetime.
Love so true and so pure.