This is the time to give all you got.
This is the time to give your best shot.
The journey ahead was not meant to be easy
this time will be hard but the end, it will please me.
I take a deep breath, let out a great sigh
Shake out my legs, look up to the sky.
Ask God for his help to run my best race,
without him there’s no way I can set the pace.
Look out across the pale blue sea
white lines, like veins, stretching out before me.
Get down in the blocks, heartbeat pounding
mind treading water, keeping from drowning
in an ocean of adrenaline, a lake of despair
but I know in my heart that I have prepared.
So here I am set, all ready to go
just waiting for the whistle to blow
stress, thoughts, they all disappear
there’s only one goal that my mind still holds dear:
I’ll finish this race, push it to the brink.
From challenges, no, my mind does not shrink.
Silence, silence.
This is the time.