Little Things

Thu, 08/15/2024 - 13:42 -- p0et8

I love you 

but I fell in love with the little things first 

like your favorite color being blue

how you were there for me at my worst 

your gorgeous brown eyes 

and your stupid smile 

you would send me photos of the skies

and ask me about your hair style


I fell in love with the little things 

like how your touch felt like home 

and how you would play with my rings

you would log me out of chrome

I always did your homeworks

and somehow you always passed 

but I love all of your quirks 

no matter what we always had a blast 

because nothing else mattered to us 


I fell in love with the little things 

me and your dad building in your garage 

how you pulled at my heartstrings

and you wanting a shoulder massage

you always held me tight 

and treated me right 

I wish so hard that we were end game

you will alwyas have a place in my heart 

in the end no one is to blame 

I will love you from afar for now that is my part

but I will forever love the little things 




This is so cute, you pulled my heart strings <3

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