A List of Things 20-Somethings Forget That They Have
I have the essentials, that many people cannot rely on
I find these incredibly convenient as my survival depends on them. Luckily for me my survival does not depend on my parent's income but rather mine which I am more thankful for.
I may be a mess as any full time student is and at the end of each 9-5 and I may suffer my own personal battles but
I am 21
and a Senior
I have
two eyes and
two hands and
two feet and
one heart and
two lungs and
one brain and
all of me is fully functioning regardless of my
and racial
and sexual
and religious
and social status.
I do not reserve the right to cry about those things I do not have in front of me because there is already so much around me.
There are already people that love me
and groceries in my refridgerator
and money on my transit card
and a cat sleeping under my bed
Regardless of what I do not have to make my life easier, I still have those luxuries that make my life continuous. Not to forget that I include myself in this category, that I worked for these luxuries to push myself through college and will continue to step through every day because without this determination I would not have the luxury of survival.