I have scars
some are physical
The phantom burn from the hot coal
silver on my hands from rambunctious cats
The mark on my leg from a bad scooter accident
I have scars
some are emotional
"Sorry, I'm so sorry."
"Sorry, I'm fine, I'm just ... tired"
"Sorry, I'm not really that hungry right now"
I have scars
they manifest themselves as lines
real, visible, tangible lines
but also lines that are crossed
ones that don't exsist in plain view
I have scars
but they don't repulse you
every line on my body is my story
you love my stories
you love me
I have scars
you face them and say
"Don't apologize, it's okay."
"Don't apologize, what's wrong?"
"Don't apologize, you look great?"
unapologetically you love me.