The Light
No matter how hard I try it seems like I keep getting farther and farther away
Maybe this connection is not part of the design that leads to our fate
We were moving along schedule smoothly going up step by step
Up half way i put myself back to the very first step
You're so focused on the future there is no time for the present
I admire that but i would like to be blessed with your presence as my present
so i can present you to the world as my future
And show you off like a number one movie picture
At the top of the stairs there is a bright light
If i can reach it i will never be frightened by the night
It will take me away to a whole nother planet
Without it my lungs wont be able to stand it
So i crawl up the steps just to be careful
Running may lead to a pain that is dreadful
One thing i do know is patience is a virtue
No matter the time that light is always beautiful
Like the sun there are many stars but suns there is only one
I have seen billions of stars but i only want my sun
It brightens my day and gives me the energy to keep crawling
Every step I go up i lose my fear of falling