Life's Poem
How do you write a poem?
If life was like a butterfly
Then it would soar to the heavens.
Looking down at the ants below it.
But, life is like a tree. beautifully soaring and bowing in the clouds.
Granting good to all of the people who cherish its seed.
But, to those who want nothing to do with the fruit of life,
Become angry.
The tree is dying and it needs love.
Those who caress its sweet face set in the hard, rough bark can see.
They can see around them
And see the sky and the ground’s true forms.
The sky blankets us in warmth and health.
The ground makes us stronger and
Helps us stand in harm's way.
The tree of life is a beautiful bird soaring above the purest of clouds in the bluest of skies.
There it watches good commence
In the harsh valleys below.
With its wings, it glides down from the deep abyss in the sky
And grants a single olive branch to those with heart ache.
They know well enough that their hopes are not far ahead.