Life: The Original Virtual Reality
Life is simple.
First your born, Learn to speak, Learn to walk
Stage One complete.
Stage Two:
Learn you ABCs, your I23s
Learn to say "Yes ma'am" and "Please"
Stage Three:
Shape the numbers into equations
The words into sensations
And learn that although "manners mean everything"
No one else seems to care
Stage Four:
The letters on the page form bigger words and multiply
Until the numbers and letters mix together
You are given more information
Than you think you can handle
While others claim that "It's simple."
"Respect" is also a thing of the past
Halfway there.
Stage Five:
You progress into adulthood
Stood where everyone before you stood
Asking "Where will my life go from here?"
Suddenly decisions and responsibilities
Are thrust upon you
All the tools
The letters and numbers
Will not help you do your duties
Will not help you pay your dues
But you must get through it
Stage Six:
You will never beat this level
Not without cheats
And those aren't easy to come by
This stage is the simplest of all
"Survival of the fittest"
Work, pay bills, work
Find, lose, and forget
Wish, hope, fail
Everyone in Stage Six,
Regardless of how they got there,
Are working towards stage seven
That perfect, worriless level
Where the Masters of the Game reside
But no one is there
Perhaps it is incomplete
Not ready for Beta Testers just yet
Or maybe it doesn't exist
Maybe our Stage Six was our Stage Seven
…If so, it definitely needs an update.