Life is a Gamble...
200 pages in my i ripped one out..slapped humanity in its mouth as it tried to shout at me..though it never seemed to "shut up!" I kept it moving with my ears shut, music playing explaining how the world is so cruel and twisted and how society can't see..when the word already has dried up ink on how it is and was going to be its a shame..its a shame some people can't wake up and feel a spark in their brains, blinded with a clear veil people are ignorant towards it all they don't have a grip and its tough..the ones that "run the world" are the main ones with the veils..silencing the free thinkers throwing some in jail..but..of course, not everyones a critic not everyones mind set is diminished not everyone is corrupt and give there best effort to do good in the world and help replenish..but its so often that our view in the media is focused on all the bad leaving the question with a bad taste in our mouths is there any good in the world or have we run out of all that we "had" is a gamble we take a risk every time we walk out our front doors lost in this mixture of it all do we stand or do we fall do we make an effort to do what will go without acknowledgement or do we just become another "statistic" judged from the bad that a few have done that never had the effort to refresh the thoughts of is life and its complexities..complications and a fight to grasp happiness some try hard to gain it some give up and just fall without the strength to get up..or so they think..we can only travel as far as we try to we can only be as happy as we want to be we can only make known what we want only if we exceed..the ignorance spoken and given from those that try to hold us down..pick your head up set your eyes forward and get off the ground..a helping hand from the man above is very profound..i can do all things through Christ i won't be bound..