As the life die

Thu, 11/15/2012 - 23:35 -- Cs1123


United States
36° 10' 4.2996" N, 115° 2' 26.4048" W

Darkness surrounds us
Every inch of light fades away
I, a mere fisherman, am punished

I think of my actions as the earth shook
I recall my paths as the quake goes on
I ask myself as I protect my head

"Why me?"
"Why us?"

Anger filled me as buildings collapse
Distress engulf me as fires grow
But I did not have the privilege of time

A large wave comes to this land
Water that have been made for the sole purpose of purging life
Crashes to our bays

I watched as time pass by
Houses washed away
Children swept
Lovers separated
History was being erased

And we, the mere fishermen,
Are dismissed
As our life drifts away from our body


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