
Full of moments of pure joy
Nothing was better than the moment the three of them realized they had a baby brother
Ten fingers, ten toes
Someone who’s job was to bug and annoy them
A person they thought they cherish forever
Little did they know

Full of moments of pure pain
Here in a flash and gone in a minute
Nothing hurt worse then the lost of their baby brother
A pointless accident
Left each of them so sad
Lost and angry at the world
They had no choice but to move away

With childhood finally gone
Each had a family, good lives
Though they still harbored the pain they felt inside
Here’s something they didn’t know
He never moved on
Forty years later
Their little brother has been waiting for his family to come home

Another moment of pure pain
A life cut short
Mixed in with the pain came a moment of joy
The two left behind found out about their baby brother
How he waited for them
More importantly how he is no longer waiting
His family came for him
Now both brothers
Once were lost to each other
Found each other

Now there is nothing for the rest of us to do but live Life


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