lief vir jouself- love yourself
Being as black as the night sky isn’t easy
“You’re so black, you’re skin looks like it hasn’t spent a day without the sun,” they say
“So rachet and loud, I think your family back in Africa can hear you,” they say
My race shall not define who I am
My chocolate family did not fight for nothing
They fought for their right to be noticed
Fought dark dogs, black fire hoses, and white men
To earn their right to be noticed and accepted
Rosa Parks did not sit in the front of the bus for fun
Martin Luther King Jr. did not lead thousands of different shades on a 54 mile walk to Montgomery because he thought it was good to get some exercise
I walk beside you and see that you have a black shadow
I am not less than you because the color of my skin is more swarthy
I am human and I have a right to speak out about my beliefs
Life is full of many colors, one of them being brown
America is not just red, white, and blue
Being black isn’t easy
But sometimes people stare at me
With looks of disgust smudged across their wrinkled, ugly faces
They are trying to sell cars, soda, clothing
They’re trying to sell me out of business
What good does selling me out of business do
“Like one down only 7 billion more to go!”
Would you me to present you with an award?
Congratulations for making me feel like nothing
I have something special to all those people
Who made me feel irrevelant
that ‘s bull... crap its bull crap
The clerks watch me too closely
as I pass down aisles
I sit at home and watch tv seeing
Someone who does not look like me
I look in the mirror and frown at first
Then I see the beauty that lies inside me
I look in the mirror and back at vibrant self
And smile