Letting Go to Grow Up
Life was hard as a child.
Mom and dad were always fighting,
Hiding in closets to keep away from their loud exchanges.
Dad had anger issues
Mom just wanted to get away from him and everything else.
Some years pass, they've divorced.
I was growing to the age to choose who my guardian will be.
Dad persuading me, saying mom is a "slut", a "whore"
Mom letting me know she loves me and will always be supportive of the decision.
Being home with mom was always nice.
Video games with my brother, occasionally a fight.
At that time, my brother favored mom while I favored dad.
Dad was mean, but he was my daddy,
He told me he loved me and would buy me nice things.
One day, he told me he would hurt himself and take all of his pills if I wouldn't
stay the weekend with him.
From then, I was conflicted at who I wanted to live with.
I grew up, graduated from high school.
I lived with mom and stayed with her.
I was hoping to see my dad, to hear him say he was proud of me.
He was supposed to be there, but never was.
He only wanted what he wanted for himself, never anyone else.
He was selfish and had tortured my mind as a little girl.
I grew up because I let go.
I let go of all the verbal and emotional threats and abuse,
to become the caring person I am today.
For I will help people and be there for others,
Since I have grown up
and he has not.