Letter to my Teacher
I would tell you that learning is not a one size fits all system.
I would tell you that if almost every student in your class is failing, don’t you think you need to reevaluate your teaching style instead of blaming the kids?
I would tell you that if you think a child is suffering from a learning disability, or any sort of disability, don’t pass them along and make them the next teachers problem, those students spend years in confusion, and assume they are stupid, and doubt themselves and limit their possibilities, all because you didn’t pay enough attention to them, all because you didn’t do your job.
I would tell you that you shouldn’t have become a teacher if your primary goal isn’t to teach, but just parrot what books can teach us; we can do that by ourselves too. We come to you in hopes of learning something new, being inspired to keep learning, keep asking questions.
I would tell you that we come to school with high hopes, we want to emerge into this world and find our place in it.
I would tell you, but then I would all of a sudden go from an A to a D in your class.
I would tell you, if only YOU can handle hearing it.