A Letter To My Mother
If I had any super power
It would be time travel
I would go back to the day
You decided I wasn’t good enough
To stick around for
And look you in the eye
And make you see
The daughter you missed out on
The eyes you never got to see how bright
They shine
Or how much they look
Just like yours
The hair you never brushed
Or braided
Or curled
For all my ballet recitals
That never happened
Because my single father
Couldn’t afford them
The body you never hugged
In its girlhood
And will never get to
Because I am a woman now
And your arms don’t wrap
Comfortably around me
I’m taller than when you left me
Then you looked down at me
But now you are forced to look up
Not just for sake of height
But because I’ve become so much more
Than you ever could have dreamed
For yourself
The hands you never held
To cross the street
They are callused now
From years of use
But still never as cold as yours
The lips that tell everyone you are dead
Because it is easier than admitting
You chose to leave.